Samedi Cinema: Chien De Garde

Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, Canada

Vivant dans un appartement exigu avec sa copine, sa mère et son frère Vincent, JP se sent oppressé par toutes les responsabilités qui pèsent sur lui. Entre être présent pour sa mère Joe, être un petit ami dévoué, travailler comme collecteur dans le quartier, rester actif dans le cartel de drogue de son oncle, JP doit avant tout s'occuper de son frère, un être impulsif, instable et agressif. Bien qu'il aime profondément son frère, JP ne sait pas combien de temps et combien d'ennuis il pourra encore endurer pour Vincent. A man tries to maintain a proper balance between the numerous needs of his family, the job he is doing with his brother, and his involvements in his uncle's drug cartel.

Jokestack – A Night of Comedy starring Nick Reynoldson & Barry Taylor

Trevi Bar & Grill 1837 Lasalle Blvd., Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 the day of the event. Nick Reynoldson Hailing from Scarborough, Ontario. Nick Reynoldson has a unique view of the world. Sharp, smart and energetic this young comic is quickly on the rise. A regular performer at Colleges and Universities across North America. Earning a COCA Comedian of the year nomination. As well as appearances in major festivals and television including; Just for Laughs, Kevin Harts LOL Network, JFL42 New Faces, Winnipeg Comedy Festival, Winner of Absolute Comedy’s Prove You’re a Headliner Competition, NXNE, MTV, MUCH, as well as multiple commercials. He’s not to miss. Barry Taylor Barry Taylor has appeared in clubs and colleges across the country. His unique delivery and dry sense of humor are his signature and have lead to on-air positions with 102.1 the Edge FM and XM Satellite Radio, appearances on Comedy Network, Much Music, MTV and Raptors NBA TV as well as writing positions with the Comedy Network and Google. In 2010 Barry founded Comedy Records, Canada’s first and only label dedicated to releasing stand up and sketch comedy albums. The label currently has offices in Toronto and New York and has released several albums that have reached the top of the iTunes and Google Play charts.


Tommy and the Commies + Les Lullies(France) w/ The Ape-ettes

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

TOMMY AND THE COMMIES + LES LULLIES US TOUR! VIA SUDBURY, ONTARIO AND MONTPELLIER, FRANCE!! JOINING FORCES FOR SLOVENLY RECORDINGS MINI FEST THROUGH THE EAST COAST / MIDWEST!!! ACCOMPANIED BY AFTERPARTY DJ, PETE SLOVENLY + THE APE-ETTES (GARAGE POP FROM SUDBURY) + 1 TBA AUDIO&VISUAL - WATCH TOMMY & THE COMMIES LIVE IN ISTANBUL, TURKEY - - LES LULLIES NEW "NIGHT CLUB" VIDEO - "The slogan “Punk is dead” is nothing more than a cop-out. Tommy and the Commies — from Sudbury, Ontario, CA — prove that the genre is timeless. The trio unleashes a time-warp of blistering, classic punk rock on their 8-song debut album Here Come Tommy and the Commies. Prior to forming, Jeff Houle was the mastermind behind garage punk band Strange Attractor. The trio’s frontman, Tommy Commy, convinced Houle to start a band by dragging him into a bathroom stall during a punk show and playing some demo recordings. Here Come Tommy and the Commies is packed with prolific hooks and 77-era punk swagger. The opening track “Devices” needs no introduction. The trio jumps in feet first with simple, raw, and catchy hooks. “Permanent Fixture” and “Suckin’ In Your 20’s” comprise of potent, repeat melodies — yet the songs are short enough not to become tedious." - Dillon Price via

Modern Mining Technology Sudbury Showcase

New Sudbury Centre 1349 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Here is your chance to experience the latest advances in technology now changing the business of mining. Interactive technology and mining-related exhibits from businesses, educational and industry partners will give you a glimpse into the future of mining right here in Greater Sudbury.

Magic of the Four Elements in Astrology

Tree of Life North 1375 Regent Street South, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Magic of the Four Elements in Astrology New workshop from Insight Astrology! Join us for an in-depth exploration of the astrological magic of Fire, Earth, Air and Water as the DNA of the Zodiac and as the heart of natal, forecasting and relationship astrology. In Part 1, I will talk about the amazing intelligence of the sequence of the Four Elements in the evolutionary journey through the 12 Zodiac signs. In Part 2, we will review the unique combination of the Four Elements in your Birthchart from the point of view of karmic growth. Then we will discuss the elemental changes in your Progressed Chart, which is an important tool in understanding the ongoing evolutionary cycles in your life journey. In Part 3, I will share some insights regarding the Four Elements and their role in understanding key concepts of astrological compatibility in relationships. You will receive: • Detailed handouts of the all the material presented during the workshop. • Color prints of your Birthchart & Progressed Chart. Please give your birth info upon registration: exact time, day, month & city of birth. • Fascinating insights into your unique and changing energy field that will help you understand and build better relationships with anyone. 55$ Investment. A deposit of 20$ is required when you register at the Tree of Life or by e-transfer to Thank you ❤ Merci ❤ Namaste

Birth Prep & Prenatal Workshop

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

Looking to optimize your health and wellness during your pregnancy and prep for that big, exciting day? Join Meg Kant, doula from Northern Mama Maternal Services and Yoga Teacher/Naturopathic Doctor Cayla Bronicheski for a one-of-kind workshop focused on preparing for birth and learning how prenatal yoga can benefit your pregnancy, birth experience and postpartum healing! Meg will take you through everything you need to know about the stages of labour, comfort measures during each stage, options for your birth, and the first days with your newborn - including breastfeeding, infant sleep, mama wellness and more. Cayla will then provide education on prenatal care from a naturopathic perspective and guide you through a prenatal yoga session as you learn about poses for relieving pregnancy discomfort, poses to prep your body and mind for birth! Mamas and birth partners welcome to attend this session.

First Peoples’ Thursday: Falls Around Her

Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, Canada

A world-famous Anishinaabe musician returns to the reserve to rest and refresh herself but finds that her fame and the outside world intrude.

Sunday afternoon Blues, Rag, Bluegrass and Gospel

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Welcome 2019 ... Our Sunday Afternoons have been great this year... Richard Mende and Paul Loewenberg take a couple hours to play old Blues, Ragtime, Bluegrass, Gospel with a touch of Folk music. About half the time we have special guests join in on Bass or Fiddle or Dobro or Banjo... but the rest of the time it's 2 music encyclopedias playing the best from 1800 to about 1960. More often is the 1920's and 30's. We love it when the kids dance. Bring the kids, bring your parents... meet your friends. Have a great meal... A great afternoon of peace and good music. We are back next week with more Fats Waller, Mississippi Sheiks, Hank Williams, Bob Wills, The Carter Family and more. If you are a player and want to get in on the kitchen jam... come and talk to us...

Film: Never Look Away

Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, Canada

German artist Kurt Barnert has escaped East Germany and now lives in West Germany, but is tormented by his childhood under the Nazis and the GDR-regime. NEVER LOOK AWAY was nominated for two Academy Awards at the 91st Academy Awards, Best Foreign Language Film and Best Cinematography.

Partner w/ Dirty Princes

The Asylum Sudbury 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Rock lives! Partner (Sackville Rock) This is just about as rock as we can get. Nonstop riffs. Polarist short-list. SOCAN Songwriting Prize winners. They shredded live on CBC. It's going to be insane. Dirty Princes (Sudbury Rock) It's starting to become more of a performance piece than a band at this point. Tickets are $10 at the door. Sunday night! Early set times! All-ages! Co-presented with Sudbury Pride.
