Rock Band Rumble Finals
The Coulson Nightclub 52 Larch Street, Sudbury, Ontario, CanadaFortunate Losers compete in the finals for first prize and the rights to be crowned champs. All help and support is encouraged!
Fortunate Losers compete in the finals for first prize and the rights to be crowned champs. All help and support is encouraged!
The March for Science is a celebration of our passion for science and a call to support and safeguard the scientific community. Recent policy changes have caused heightened worry among scientists, and the incredible and immediate outpouring of support has made clear that these concerns are also shared by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Mischaracterization of science as a partisan issue, which has given policymakers permission to reject overwhelming evidence, is a critical and urgent matter. It is time for people who support scientific research and evidence-based policies to take a public stand and be counted. ON APRIL 22, 2017, WE WALK OUT OF THE LAB AND INTO THE STREETS. We are scientists and science enthusiasts. We come from all races, all religions, all gender identities, all sexual orientations, all socioeconomic backgrounds, all political perspectives, and all nationalities. Our diversity is our greatest strength: a wealth of opinions, perspectives, and ideas is critical for the scientific process. What unites us is a love of science, and an insatiable curiosity. We all recognize that science is everywhere and affects everyone. For this reason, the March for Science stands in solidarity with other important movements: - Climate activism - The Women's March - Indigenous MMIW/Land rights/Water protectors - LGBTQ - Diversity in the workplace - Equal access to education for all More details on the March for Science will be posted as they are made available. E-mail: Twitter: @ScienceMarchSby
Presentation of forestry harvesting practices. The need to reforest. The state of forests worldwide. Presentation of the book "Earth Fights Back" Free pine or spruce seedlings with purchase of book. Meet the author.
Topics will include: pruning (demonstration on young apple, cherry and cherry-plum trees); controlling insects; feeding and watering. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions of the presenter, Ron Lewis. Mr. Lewis has been growing fruit trees in the Sudbury area for 40 years and sells cold-hardy fruit trees. Pre-registration is required by paying in person at Eat Local Sudbury, 176 Larch St., between 10:30am and 5:30pm, Mon. to Sat. For more info, email:
Saturday, April 22 | 4:45-6:15pm $40/pair Join Sarah and Jamie for Partner Yoga, a wonderful opportunity to deepen the impact and experience of your yoga practice. Human contact in the form of traction, pressure, and leverage is used to support you through the postures. With the help of your partner you are empowered to go deeper with less effort, to explore your balance more than usual, and receive external feedback about body alignment through touch. It helps you relate and communicate not just with your yoga partner, but with others in general. Partner yoga is the physical exercise of compassion, listening, understanding and trust. Partners may be couples, friends, parent and child, etc. Register online: , or give us a call 705.222.8464
GenNext in partnership with ARC Climbing Yoga Fitness is pleased to host CLIMBING FOR COMMUNITY Saturday, April 22 in support of United Way Sudbury and Nipissing Districts Location: ARC Climbing Yoga Fitness, 1981 Old Burwash Road Sudbury Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Yoga Session: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (yoga mat rental included) Cost: $15/person (includes access to climbing walls and yoga session) Tickets are limitted and must be purchased in advance! Open to all ages! Tickets may be purchased in person at the United Way office located at 957 Cambrian Heights Drive, Unit 201 Sudbury or by calling 705-560-3330 ext. 216 with a credit card. To participate, clients are asked to complete an online liability waiver IN ADVANCE of the event date. Participants may do so by visiting: . Participants are asked to bring the following: - A water bottle - Indoor shoes (additional $3 fee to rent footwear) Together, we are possibility.
Fortunate Losers rock the Townehouse with locals and friends from Southern Ontario. Line up TBA
The first ever IceBurgh Invitational Performance League event comes to Sudbury!! The #705Live Performance Tournament begins next Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 at The Asylum Sudbury (Downstairs of the old Navy League building across from Queen's Athletic Field) featuring: PUTTZOH (Chance Kwieciarz) Darnel Bianco PRYNCE (Hughy Prynce Duncan) Ib Profit Bobo Boros Entry - Ladies free before 11:30 PM $10 before 11:30 PM $15 after 11:30 PM Doors open at 10 PM EST, show begins at 11:30 PM EST! For more information go to
Join the Sudbury community and run/walk to end the stigma surrounding mental illness. All the proceeds from the event will be going towards bringing a group program to youth suffering with depression here in the Sudbury community.