Wordstock Sudbury: Toni Morrison Documentary Screening
Sudbury Indie Cinema Downtown 40 Elm Street, Sudbur, Ontario, CanadaPresented in partnership with Wordstock Sudbury Literary Festival 2019 TONI MORRISON: THE PIECES I AM (2019, USA, Literature/Documentary, 1h. 59min.) 4 Wins | Best Documentary American author and winner of the Nobel Prize in literature, Toni Morrison, died on August 5, 2019 at the age of 88. In recognition of her legacy, Sudbury Indie Cinema Co-op in partnership with Wordstock Sudbury Literary Festival 2019 will be bringing the recent documentary, TONI MORRISON: THE PIECES I AM, to our theatre again. This artful and intimate meditation on the legendary story-teller examines her life, her works and the powerful themes she has confronted throughout her literary career. It will have you running to the nearest bookstore or fanning through your shelves to pick up a copy of Beloved or one her many other books. Wordstock Sudbury is Northern Ontario's premier festival for readers, writers, and lovers of words. The 6th Edition will run from November 1 - 3, 2019!