Frost Weekend: Skating on Ramsey Skate Path
Ramsey LakeSkating on the Ramsey Skate Path! Sunday January 20th, from 12 pm to 2 pm Free bussing provided for both SGA/AGÉ and AEF members! *Weather dependent event might require relocation to Queen's Athletic Field. Bus Schedule for event: 11:45 Depart from School of Architecture -> Bell Park 12:00 Depart from Bell Park -> Laurentian 12:15 Depart from Laurentian -> Bell Park 12:30 Depart from Bell Park -> School of Architecture 12:45 Depart from School of Architecture -> Bell Park 1:00 Depart from Bell Park -> Laurentian 1:15 Depart from Laurentian -> Bell Park 1:30 Depart from Bell Park -> School of Architecture 1:45 Depart from School of Architecture -> Bell Park 2:00 Depart from Bell Park-> Laurentian 2:15 Depart from Laurentian ->Bell Park 2:30 Depart from Bell Park (If need be) -> Laurentian