Spooky Saturday at the Market

Greater Sudbury Market 233 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us this Saturday for our last Saturday at the Elgin St location! We will have Dark Matter activities and a scavenger hunt with SNOLAB, and musical performances from Afro Madness Drum Troupe! We will also have Halloween-themed kids crafts and mini pumpkin painting! We look forward to seeing everyone before we move into our Southend location for the winter!

26 lettres à danser

Le Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Canada

Entrez dans le paysage de l’abécédaire spectaculaire! Dans ce merveilleux monde en mouvement, les lettres et les mots sont des amis qui savent danser. La grenouille hip-hop, le bonhomme-allumette fluorescent, le karatéka et tant d’autres s’élancent en tout sens sur des rythmes dramatiques et trépidants en animant l’alphabet au grand complet. Les enfants spectateurs prennent part à de dynamiques tableaux vivants qui abondent en trouvailles merveilleuses. Cet abécédaire chorégraphique et kaléidoscopique est si ravissant que même les parents applaudissent de joie. Une production : Bouge de là * * * * * * * * * * Enter a landscape of alphabetical amazement! In this marvelous world of movement, letters and words are dancing friends. The hip-hop frog, the match-stick man, the karateka and countless others spring into action as excitingly dramatic music make the entire alphabet come alive. Young spectators help to compose marvelous choreographies. This kaleidoscopic performance is so amazingly inventive that even parents spring to their feet to applaud with glee. A Production From: Bouge de là

Relax- Floating Sound Therapy

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Floating in Sound...embracing the feelings of your body in Savasana, hugged tightly in an Aerial Silk, as the vibrations of sound move through your entire body. Sound therapy healing meditation is the process in which we use different aspects of sound through music, singing bowls, bells, chimes and more. This will affect the person on many levels including their emotional and spiritual state to improve their overall well-being as a whole. Sound healing therapy improves many facets of a person’s life, including emotional and social functioning, cognitive and motor functioning, and mental health. Almost everything we experience in the universe is simply our perception of waves. When sound waves reach our ears, they are converted into electrical signals that travel up the auditory nerve into the auditory cortex, the part of the brain that processes sound. Once sound waves reach our brains, they trigger responses in our bodies. This process alters our emotions, releases hormones and chemicals that affect both our bodies and our moods, and trigger certain impulses. During this process we will set the body into a meditative state of stillness allowing the frequency of sound vibrations to linger and travel through the room into our minds and bodies to experience a deeper sense of consciousness. This workshop combines the amazing sensations of floating in an Aerial Silk, with the beauty of our Sound Therapy Workshop. Join us for an evening where we bathe our bodies in the power of sound and how it can affect our mind, body and soul leaving us in a state of calm and peace like nothing else you have experienced. Cost: $50 + HST Time: 7pm-8:30pm



The Cedar Nest 11 Cedar Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The Cedar Nest invites you to our annual dark culinary explosion Chef's Table Tasting Menu event, Noir. Our guests will be served an array of deliciously prepared tasting menu dishes using some of the most creative gastronomic techniques with stunning plating and overall ambiance. A complimentary cocktail will be sure to please. This will be a licensed event. There is a very strict all black dress code in effect, including jewellery (only diamonds, silver, gold allowed. No coloured jewellery please.)

Nickel City Nightmare 2019

Sudbury Events Centre 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

What’s better than getting ghouled out, zombied up, and walking with the undead on Halloween? Getting decked out and slapping on a pair of roller skates!!! THEN later head on downstairs for a ghoulish show at The Asylum! Nightmare Skate: 7pm-9pm All ages Entry/skate rental $5 Prizes for best youth costumes! Show at The Asylum: 10pm-?? (Bands start at 10:30pm) Bands - Like a Girl and Archelon Entry $10 -only $5 if you were at the Nightmare skate Prizes for best costumes! There’s also rumours of a new edition of Nickel City Roller Derby’s annual zombie tshirts, so stay tuned!

4th annual Cancer centre Walk/Run for Hope!

Kivi Park 4472 Long Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

5th Annual Cancer Centre Walk/Run for Hope MOVE - Kivi Park Fitness Series (Event) Sunday, October 27th at Kivi Park 10 am - Registration 11:00 am - Race Start Distances: 1km (Kids) Free 3km, 5km and 10km Adults $35 and Kids $5 The event will offer four different distances -1km, 3km, 5km and 10 km - with all routes running through scenic trails at Kivi Park. The adult registration fee includes a T-Shirt and lunch. Participants are encouraged to raise funds by collecting pledges. * New this year for participants - if you raise $100 and over in pledges we will waive your $35 registration fee! 100% of the monies raised will support the Northeast Cancer Centre for patient care, equipment and research. It will also bring awareness to local partners that support some of the NCF’s many Funds. For more information and to register please visit www.ncfsudbury.com or call 705.523.4673 (HOPE). HOPE Every Step of the Way!

Weston Bakeries’ Family Fun Day

Sudbury Steelworkers Hall 66 Brady Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Family Friendly Event. All games and activities are 1 ticket each ALL PROCEEDS to Big Brothers Big Sisters and will be matched $1 for $1 by George Weston Ltd. Join us for an exciting event!

Vinyl Swap Meet in Space V2

Spacecraft Brewery 854 Notre Dame, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Here we go - the second Vinyl Swap Meet at Spacecraft Brewery. Anyone is welcome to bring in one to two milk crates of records to swap or sell for FREE. Anyone who brings over two milk crates will need a table that Spacecraft Brewery will provide. Send us a message with how much you plan on bringing. Even if you don't have vinyl to sell, you are welcome to come shop! Price: $0.00 (1-2 Crates) Price: $33 1/3 (3-6 Crates) Price $45 (6-12 Crates) Come throughout the day to swap/sell/play records! Record players will be provided to test/listen to any vinyl. This is an ALL - AGES event. Bring everyone you love.

Balancing Vata – An Ayurveda Self-Care Workshop

Two Souls Yoga 469 Bouchard Street Suite 229, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

How you live your daily life is the key factor in determining your health and your quality of experience. Learn the Ayurveda approach to life which includes attention to right thinking, diet, lifestyle, exercise, breath, meditation, and herbs, so that your body, mind and consciousness work together to maintain a balanced Vata dosha (body constitution). When late Autumn is upon us, the atmosphere will be increasing it's Air and Ether qualities, making it even more challenging to maintain inner balance, which is why understanding how to self-regulate is imperative. Learn ways to deeply self-care through Ayurveda (the Science of the body, and Sister to Yoga.) The Kapha and Pitta workshops (parts 2 and 3 of 3) will be announced at a later date. ABOUT LANA: Lana began teaching yoga in 2001. My study of the Chakras began in 2004 with Seane Corn, and, with Anodea Judith in 2005. She has consistently taught about Chakras since 2006, weaving teachings into her regularly scheduled yoga classes, chakra-yoga master classes, local & international specialized retreats, workshops, and, immersions. Since 2005, Chakra symbolism has been a foundational tool in her Life Coaching practice. Lana is the Founder/Director of Radiance Yoga & Lifestyle School, a Canadian Yoga Alliance (CYA-300 hr) Registered School. Since starting her yoga path in 2001, She has accumulated over 10,000 hands-on teaching hours and now offer 3 training opportunities: 200hr Yoga Teacher Training 100hr Inner Mystic Training 30hr Chakra Yoga Training Cost: $79 Date: Oct 27th Time: 1-4 pm


Insane Trivia Halloween & Horror Night

The Asylum Sudbury 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Monday the 30th it will be Trivia Time at The Asylum Sudbury! Get a team together and come on out for a great Trivia Game full of Ghoulish questions all about monsters, movies, maniacs and more! Get some drinks and play some great Trivia! game starts at 8 PM.