Birth Prep & Prenatal Yoga Workshop

ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, Sudbury

Optimize your health and wellness during your pregnancy with yoga and prep for your big and exciting day! Join Meg Kant, doula from Northern Mama Maternal Services and Yoga Teacher/Naturopathic Doctor Cayla Bronicheski for a one-of-kind workshop focused on preparing for birth and learning how prenatal yoga can benefit your pregnancy, birth experience and postpartum healing! Meg will take you through everything you need to know about the stages of labour, comfort measures during each stage, options for your birth, and the first days with your newborn - including breastfeeding, infant sleep, mama wellness and more. Cayla will then provide education on prenatal care from a naturopathic perspective and guide you through a prenatal yoga session as you learn about poses for relieving pregnancy discomfort, poses to prep your body and mind for birth! Mamas and birth partners welcome to attend this session. Price: $50/Couple Get more information & register here ->


YESTERDAY LIVE — Songs of Paul McCartney by Chuck Labelle / Sudbury

The Grand 23 Elgin Street, Sudbury

After many years of touring and performing, Northern Ontario Artist, singer-songwriter Chuck Labelle presents his new show featuring original interpretations of Paul McCartney songs. Chuck’s favourite songs from his past and his continued fascination of McCartney’s success, makes this show a must see performance. Get ready to sing, laugh and reminisce to an era of music that touched a worldwide audience. After the Beatles, music changed forever! Doors open at 6:30 pm, show starts at 7:30 pm *** Après plusieurs années de tournées et de spectacles aux quatre coins du pays, Chuck Labelle présente son tout nouveau spectacle, Yesterday Live. C’est une nouvelle direction pour Chuck qui décide d’interpréter des chansons d’un de ses artistes préféré, Paul McCartney des Beatles. Un spectacle qui vous invite à revivre une époque de musique extraordinaire, aux arrangements et à la façon de Chuck Labelle. Portes ouvrent à 18 h 30, spectacle à 19 h 30 *** Brought to you by Rock Town Promotions.


Monday Urban Poling in November: Adanac

Adanac Ski Hill

Our Monday Urban Poling walks will take place on trails along the beautiful Ponderosa Wetlands. We will start the walk from the Adanac Ski Chalet, off Beatrice which you can access either via Atlee or Hawthorn Drive. The weather is starting to get quite nippy, so be sure to dress accordingly: wear warmer layers, hats, gloves, and warm sturdy footwear. Sunglasses and protection from the sun are still a good ideas as is a filled-up water bottle. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

St. John Newman’s idea of the University

University of Sudbury Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Laurentian University's Newman Club would like to invite you to a panel discussion with the presidents of the University of Sudbury and Thorneloe University entitled The idea of the University: The Vision and Legacy of St. John Henry Newman. This presentation will take place on Monday November 11th at 7 pm in room 110 at the University of Sudbury. Light refreshments will be served, please RSVP: If you have any questions, please contact us: or 613-330-0020 Le club de Newman de l’Université Laurentienne aimerait vous inviter à une table ronde avec les présidents de l’Université de Sudbury et l’Université de Thorneloe intitulé L’idée de l’Université : La Vision et l’Héritage de St-John Henry Newman. Cette présentation aura lieu le lundi 11 novembre prochain à 19h au local 110 de l’Université de Sudbury. Des rafraichissements seront servis, veuillez confirmer votre présence : Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter : ou 613-330-0020

Self-Portrait Surprise (multi-media)

WaterCrow Studio 168 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

This class is suitable for all level of artists and is taught by Susan Korpela. In the process of exploring multimedia you will participate in... • what self portrait surprises are • how to draw a face • painting technique and colour theory • how to begin on a blank page/canvas • the freedom of expressing your ‘self’ Materials: Mod podge, gesso or matte medium Primary red, yellow and blue acrylic paint Multimedia paper 9x12 approx. Paint brushes (small and medium round and flat) and a larger 1 inch mop brush Water dish Palette and cleanup cloths An old magazine An artist's pen (black and/or white) $25.00


Sunset Silhouette Ornament Workshop

NISA/Northern Initiative for Social Action 36 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

***Please note: This workshop is now full! To keep up to date on other art workshops at NISA, follow our Facebook page @NISASudbury, and sign-up to receive our monthly e-newsletter here:*** Guided by Adrienne Assinewai of RavenStar Studio, learn the techniques of the needle felting art practice and complete your very owl beautiful sunset silhouette ornament! Tuesday, November 12 // 5:30-8:00 p.m. This workshop will be located at NISA, 36 Elgin Street, on the second floor, which is wheelchair accessible. The doors will open at 5:15 p.m. $10 for non-members or $5 (refundable) for current NISA members. Space is limited! Register with Tammy at 705-222-6472 ext. 304 or This workshop is possible and financially accessible thanks to support from the Arts & Culture Grant Program through the City of Greater Sudbury.


Pop Up Shop @ Zen Fitness

Zen Fitness 158 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Do you prefer to purchase Canadian Made products? Do you prefer to purchase natural, cruelty free, and ethical products? Do you prefer to support local establishments when making purchases? Then this pop up shop is for you, join Dana (Zen's Natural Health Practitioner & Nutritionist) in a pop up shop full of gentle, natural and Canadian made personal care products. She will have product from Ontario based company "The Green Beaver Company", Manitoba based company "Pure Anada", and will be featuring her own "Herbalist Made" products. None of these companies are Direct Sales or MLM companies. Payment options: Cash & Credit Card. Pre-Ordered items can be paid via e-transfer. Date's are subject to change. Can't attend the pop up shop, you can order via Dana's website and/or join in on group orders for more selections from both companies.

Rayannah // Sudbury

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Doors / Doors 7:00 pm Music / Music 8:00 pm $ 10 at the door / at the door. - EN / The singular voice Rayannah resonates with echoes and layered to create a brand from scratch. Equipped with loop pedals, the bilingual artist builds sequences on the spot with his voice, his breath, percussion and synthesizers. His visceral words in French and English hover over soundscapes that are sometimes sparse, sometimes dense and complex. EN / Rayannah bends noise into music by running voice, breath, synth and percussion through loop pedals. Underscored by intricate beat-making, her evocative lyrics in French and English rise above dense soundscapes, pulling listeners into the world both dark and sweet.

KiSS 105.3 Radiothon of Hope 2019

The KiSS 105.3 Radiothon of Hope in support of the Northern Cancer Foundation, thanks in part to Aegisys Cloud Solutions will be held from 6am to 6pm at the Northeast Cancer Centre on Thursday, November 14th. Over the past 13 years, we have raised $1,161,2000 for the Northern Cancer Foundation! Last year, YOU helped us DOUBLE our goal of 13 chemo chairs; thanks to your generosity, we raised $57,200 and the Northern Cancer Foundation was able to purchase 26 chairs! Proceeds from this year’s event will be used to support clinical trials being done right here in Sudbury at the Northeast Cancer Centre. They are setting up a suite for clinical trials patients that will include chemo chairs, stretchers, IV poles and other equipment to facilitate the patients taking part. There is a research team of oncologists who are conducting these trials which seek to find better ways to treat patients with the hope of better outcomes. at the Northeast Cancer Centre. Tune in Thursday, November 14th from 6 a.m to 6 p.m. to hear uplifting stories of courage, determination and hope from patients and their caregivers. In addition, local experts and medical staff at the Centre provide updates on new and cutting-edge improvements in the fields of cancer care and research.

Shotgun Jimmie, w/ Jose Contreras

Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

Thursday, November 14th - Shotgun Jimmie, Jose Contreras - $10.00 advance, $12.00 at the door. Doors open 8:00pm Are you ready for the new sincerity?! Shotgun Jimmie’s new album Transistor Sister 2 is full of genuine pop gems that champion truth and love. Jimmie is joined by long-time collaborators Ryan Peters (Ladyhawk) and Jason Baird (DoMakeSayThink) for this sequel to the Polaris Prize nominated album Transistor Sister from 2011. José Contreras (By Divine Right) produced and recorded the record in Toronto, Ontario at The Chat Chateaux and joins the band on keys. In characteristic Shotgun Jimmie fashion, the songs on Transistor Sister 2 focus largely on family and friends with a heavy dose of nostalgia. Jimmie’s hyperbolic takes on the everyday reconstruct familiar scenarios, from traffic on the 401 (the beloved and scorned mega-highway through Toronto known to all touring musicians as the place where punctual arrival at soundcheck goes to die) to cooking dinner. The album’s lead single Cool All the Time is a plea for people to abandon ego and strive for authenticity, featuring contributions by Chad VanGaalen, Steven Lambke and Cole Woods. The New Sincerity serves as the album’s manifesto; it renounces cynicism and promotes positivity.
