ARC Top Rope Climbing Competition
ARC 1981 Old Burwash Road, SudburyWe brought you a bouldering comp, then came the lead climbing. But the long awaited top-rope climbing competition is finally here – and it’s brighter than ever! What: Tight and Bright Top Rope Climbing Competition When: Friday, April 21, 6-11pm Top roping: 6-9pm | Lead climbing: 9-11pm Cost: $20 for members | $25 for non-members Do I need a partner? Not necessarily, we will have staff belayers on hand to catch you (if necessary). Prerequisites: To enter the comp you must be able to climb! Who will be there: EVERYONE! Climb range: 5.6 and up Costumes: Yes please. Ropes will be tight, and clothes should be bright. Think climbing in the 80s. If you would like to be guaranteed a t-shirt in the size you want please sign up before this Tuesday, April 11th! Head to to register As always, the main goal of the comp is to have fun, and get the whole ARC Community involved. This friendly competition has been created to allow for climbers of all levels to come join in on the infamous ARC events. If you are 14+ and do not currently know how to belay, please look into taking our Intro to Climbing course! This would be beneficial to any parents who would like to belay their kids for the competition, but do not know how to do so yet. The Tight and Bright competition is special because we are allowing both Top Roping AND Lead Climbing. Climbers will be allowed to select one option or the other. If you decide to compete as a Top Roper you will not be allowed to compete as a Lead Climber after - we are looking for on-site-ability folks. Competition rules to follow. Competitor note: Our setters will be setting all of the routes the week...