UP HERE 4: Mauno / Victime / Boyhood
Townehouse Tavern 206 Elgin Street, Sudbury, CanadaA merry-go-round of twisted grunge-pop, acid-punk and heartbreak. Presented by Stack Brewing. MAUNO Mauno (pronounced Mao-no) is ironically named after bassist/vocalist Eliza Niemi’s completely unmusical Finnish grandfather. They have a wandering sound that refuses to be pinned down. They strayed from twisting grunge-pop to raw, guttural, emotional punches. Their tales of botched romance and misdirected dreams play out above a bed of crunchy guitars and crashing cymbals. They’re charming af. VICTIME Acid-punk on a bed of ‘90s nostalgia. It’s discordant, wild, and probably what it feels like to get hit by lightning. Their noisy dance-punk madness shifts from fast-paced, punchy percussion to slow, carnivalesque electronic noise all filled out with some serious Riot grrrl vocals (but en français). Boyhood When Caylie Runciman started calling herself Boyhood, it was a nod to childhood nostalgia. Tough-kid guitar grit and deadpan verses give way to whimsical synth lines and delicate harmonies. But like an off-kilter merry-go-round, or a candy shop in a seedy part of town, there’s a shady layer to Runciman’s perfect pop. Her black magic is raw, equal parts ecstasy and heartbreak. In amongst the bright colours, there’s the joy and the pain in knowing what it means to grow up. TICKETS $15 advance / $20 at the door UP HERE Up Here is an urban art & emerging music festival in weird and wonderful downtown Sudbury that takes place from August 17-19. Follow Up Here festival, RSVP Up Here 4. 🔺🔺🔺 MAUNO Depuis sa création, Mauno a un son errant qui refuse d'être épinglé. L’ambiance du piano et de la brume des cordes, en partie inspirée par le violoncelle du rock progressif, évoque un punch brut, guttural et émotionnel. Ses pistes mettent en lumière des histoires de romance bâclée et de rêves mal dirigés, le tout joué au-dessus d’un lit...