Future Thought Leaders Workshop

Greater Sudbury Public Library 74 Mackenzie Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Note: if you are planning on having your child(ren) attend, please confirm their attendance through our EventBrite page at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/future-thought-leaders-workshop-tickets-66569431963?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing What does the future of work look like? The Future Thought Leaders workshop is an innovative event organised by the Sudbury Workers Education and Advocacy Centre to recruit youth aged 7-14 to answer that very question. What is unique about this workshop is that the youth - our Future Thought Leaders - are asked to consider not just the workplace, but the conditions for the workers themselves. Will the future of work be one that is fair and equitable for all, with decent wages and benefits? Or are we destined to a gig economy, piecing out our total income through a series of haphazardly paid jobs? An interactive and collaborative experience, the Future Thought Leaders are asked to consider what decent work looks like. Confronted with several scenarios involving common workplace issues, participants work together to imagine what they would like the future of fair and equitable work to look like. Participants will have the chance to foster identified needed skills of the future workplace: imagination and creativity (ie out of the box thinking), teamwork and leadership skills, as well as their critical thinking. In addition, our Future Thought Leaders will learn about workers rights, the history of how these rights were gained, and about current issues in the workplace.

Mindfulness for Peace Within *AUG 6, 13, 20, 27

The Essential Cove 1685 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join Darlene Tindall for this 4 week session in which we will explore Mindfulness practices to accompany the teachings presented in the book A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Darlene has been sharing the teachings of this life-changing book since Oprah hosted it as a book club on her show. As a designated host for the satellite book clubs, Darlene gained a deep appreciation and understanding of the massive value this book has to offer. A lot has happened in the years following that book launch. Darlene has gone on to study Eden Energy Medicine, Yoga, EFT, Access Consciousness and more. Her current studies are in Neuroscience, Consciousness and Transformational Coaching. Mindfulness practices have been woven into Darlene's studies and teachings for over 15 years. She is delighted to introduce you to these methods as she knows personally how profoundly they can improve one's wellbeing. What to Expect: Classes will be about 90min. Discussion - We will discuss what we have learned from the book, ask questions and challenge ideas. Discovery - You will be guided to relate principals from the book and our Mindfulness practices to your life. Each week will include a self-study component to be done at home. Practice - Mindfulness is an embodied practice. You will be introduced to a number of Mindfulness techniques to improve integration of the mind/body, bringing greater peace, clarity and wellbeing. Topics - mindfulness, neuroscience, energy, psychology, ego, judgement, awareness, relationships, healing, breath, vagus nerve, integration, mind/body/spirit, inner peace...more. Please read Chapters 1 & 2 prior to our first class. *Note* I am working on a zoom option for those who would like to attend from out of town. If that's you, let me know so I can set it up :) COST: $80 TIME: 7:30 - 9:00PM DATES: AUG 6,...

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HK EP Pre-Release Show

The Asylum Sudbury 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

HK's EP Pre-Release Show! With Open Mic Comedy before 11pm. 19+ FREE COVER! HK is finally releasing the anticipated "Chill EP" Come get glimpse and buy some brand new HK merch. GO HOME AND FOLLOW ON SPOTIFY! Presented by The Asylum 19 Regent & www.highknuckles.com

Rock the Farm

Anderson Farm 550 Regional Road 24, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Visa the Mid-Week Rock the Farm Farmers Market and concert. You can purchase local produce.products and enjoy a summer supper at the farm. Every Wednesday in July & August from 4-8pm. The concerts will start at 5:30pm. Wednesday, August 7 - North of 69 / Seldom Seen Sponsored by Rintala Construction and North Star Sand & Gravel

Mimi O’Bonsawin @ MiC

MIC 200 Falconbridge Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Mimi O'Bonsawin Summer Tour 2019

Half Price Axe Throwing & AYCE Wings

Northern Axperts - Axe Throwing Lounge 187 Shaughnessey Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

SUDBURY & THUNDER BAY Stop in every Wednesday from now until September for half price axe throwing and all you can eat wings! Need to refuel after some serious axe throwing? Go enjoy some wings! Need to take a pause in between your wing off? Come throw some axes! Need to burn off some calories after eating literally all you can eat? Come throw some axes! Mention the deal to your Wacky's server or axe coach to take advantage of this promotion!

Messy Minds Book Launch Party

La Fromagerie 80 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

This is it - our first launch party is being thrown at La Fromagerie! Come join us as we celebrate, share spoken poetry and stories, and enjoy art, poetry & photography by beautiful local artists. There will be cheese platters, live music & 100 copies that you can purchase in celebration of your favourite local artists & loved ones' published work. What is Messy Minds? Messy Minds is more than just a book project - it's a community. Based in Sudbury, Ontario, it combines art, photos and photography to express our deepest emotions, hopes, desires and dreams. This book is separated into sections of secrets, musings, short writings, and wisdoms to “what would you tell your younger self?”, all outlined by art, photography and poetry that encapsulates our burning desire to live our own definition of our truest lives. We launched Messy Minds in 2016 as a book project for students & artists alike to share their deepest secrets, hopes and dreams with. We took a bit of time to rework the concept and work out the nitty gritty design details – and we've since expanded it to invite people from all walks of life to share their stories with us. We couldn't have done it without every contributor and supporter. Come join us as we celebrate the evening away for our very first published edition! Check out our website for more details: www.messyminds-project.com

Mimi O’Bonsawin @ Tony V’s

Tony V's Pizza 1323 Martindale Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

If you can embrace the grace and power of Northern Ontario landscapes, you will feel the music of Mimi O’Bonsawin. She epitomizes the powerful scenery and the beauty of its waters through her music, all the while yielding to her rich and warm French Canadian and Abenakis heritages. Her musical creations flow through a center of love, with the intention to give back and spread awareness. Her newest record , TRILLIUM , seeks to be a compelling and intimate follow-up to her two previous albums and is a collection of acoustic songs . Follow mimi’s journey at www.mimi.ca

Triple Love: Where Art Meets Autism

One Sky - Local Fine Goods 125 Durham Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Triple Love: An Exhibit by Pierre AJ Sabourin, Trish Jokat, and her son Morgan Kitching. AUGUST AT ONE SKY GALLERY PIERRE AJ SABOURIN “As a young man, I traveled Canada from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island to the Arctic Circle on the Mackenzie River in the North West Territories. This experience instilled national pride in Canada’s wondrous beauty and diverse culture. Growing up in Sudbury, Ontario, during the peak of nickel smelting in the 50s and 60s and experiencing the destruction of nature by acid rain had a profound effect on me.” Sabourin, an en plein air landscape painter, follows the Canadian School of Painting in spirit, philosophy, and practice. The Canadian School was founded by AY Jackson and the Group of Seven. Sabourin makes his home in Killarney, Ontario. Art educator Arthur Lismer of the Group of Seven mentored Pierre at age ten, resonating throughout his entire life. Art that comes from the soul is the highest of truths it is the best of who you are. Sabourin went on to study Fine Arts at the University of Ottawa and the National Drawing and Print Council of Canada at the University of Calgary. Pierre apprenticed with landscape painter Ferenc Szeles of Hungary and mentored with great en plein air winter painter, Paul Schleusner of Germany. Pierre has developed a style of landscape painting that draws upon the traditions and influences of AY Jackson, Tom Thomson, JEH Macdonald, Arthur Lismer, Lawren Harris, Vincent Van Gogh, Igor Grabar, and Edouard Manet. "I’m an Expressionist! I love rich colour and thick impasto. manipulating paint and creating shadow. Immersing oneself in nature allows the unconscious to be exposed allowing for a deeper relationship with spirituality in the creative process. My paintings are inspired and produced en plein air, some are completed in the studio....

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DIY: Paddle Painting

DIY Craftery & Lounge 43 Elm Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Join us at our licensed art and craft studio to paint with acrylic on wooden paddles. Create a unique home decoration or camp sign! All needed materials for this paddle painting class are supplied. Wine, beer, coolers, speciality coffees and non alcoholic drinks are available for purchase. Book your seat online at https://diycraftery.com/classes/paddle-painting/ Want to save the booking fee? Send kelsey@diycraftery.com an e-transfer and include which date and class you're booking. Head to La Fromagerie before or after your class and receive a 15% discount! Don't forget to ask us for details.
