Fraser Auditorium 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Lisa Lampanelli is Comedy’s Lovable Queen of Mean. Heralded as “more than a standup — a standout,” by comedy legend Jim Carrey, Lampanelli is a cross between Don Rickles, Archie Bunker, and a vial of estrogen. She has won accolades from The King of All Media Howard Stern, who called her “a true original and a brilliant comedy mind who’ll steal the show every time.” Known for saying things that most people are afraid to think, Lisa Lampanelli’s raunchy, gut-busting performances are wildly popular at theaters across the U.S. and Canada. This equal opportunity offender is a regular on late night television, and a frequent guest and guest host on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM satellite radio shows. Lisa recently shot her fifth stand-up special, Back to the Drawing Board, proving this insult comic is new, improved, and funnier than ever.


The Show I Never Gave

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Join us for this one of a kind fundraiser performance by our General Manager, Scott Florence.This show is just in time for World Theatre Day, a worldwide celebration for those who can see the value and importance of theatre. "The Show I Never Gave" is a ridiculous exploration of the boundaries between performer, performance, and audience. Difficult to describe without spoilers, suffice to say this thought provoking show will engage and entertain you like never before. Before moving to Sudbury and joining the STC, Scott worked extensively as an artist and performer. Scott was the Artistic Director of Ottawa’s premiere Shakespeare troupe, A Company of Fools, the Artistic Managing Director of the Ottawa Lumière Festival, a co-curator of the .isme: Cabaret, the General Manager of the Canadian Improv Games, and an Associate Professor with Algonquin College Tickets are $50 and go towards supporting the STC, your home for the performing arts. Join us to experience an evening of entertainment that will leave you laughing and thinking.


Are Green Burials the way of the future?

Sudbury Theatre Centre 170 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury, Canada

Are Green Burials the way of the future? We're all going to die, and we all hope to leave a positive impact on the planet and our loved ones when we do. With impact in mind, many consumers are looking at alternative burials as a means of reducing emissions, chemicals, and energy use after the end of life. Low-cost, minimalist services and natural burials that allow the body to decompose naturally are trending, and consumers are contemplating a range of new and emerging burial options, including “liquid cremation”, freeze-drying, or growing into a tree from an organic “burial pod”. What are the benefits and the drawbacks of alternative burials? Are they really green? How widespread are they, and how legal? Is our discomfort with alternative options simply a discomfort with the fact that we, too, will one day die? Panelists: Pamela Harvey, Advanced Preplanning Director and Licensed Funeral Director, French Family Funeral Home & Cremation Centre Camille Lemieux, Professor and Coordinator, Funeral Director Programs, School of Health Sciences, Collège Boréal Sarah Walker, President, Memorial Society of Northern Ontario Moderator: Dana Murchison, Staff Scientist, Science North NEW! Pre-Registration for FREE Tickets: In an effort to improve your experience, we’ve created a ticket registration process. Click the ticket URL above to pre-register for the FREE upcoming Science Café. NOTE: Pre-registered attendees must arrive by 6:45 pm to be guaranteed entry. After 6:45 pm seats left unfilled will be given to standby attendees on a first-come, first-served basis.

Sudbury Trivia Night at The Fromo

La Fromagerie 80 Elgin Street, Sudbury, Canada

You know the deal! 3 rounds of 15 questions, and one bonus question per round. Pages are marked a-la grade 5 math class by passing them to a friend. 8pm until ~11, teams of 2-8, --> Get there early seats fill up and we don't take reservations! $5 per person. Prizes for 1st place overall Last place over all Along with prizes for Sportsmanship, and Awesomeness! Winner takes home bragging rights and some awesome prizes are awarded throughout the night! BOARD OF AWESOME: Points scored for being awesome and promoting awesome things! Find a funny answer on someone's card, even if its not the right answer you can still nominate them for an awesome star. We also reward jokers and pranksters and all those who don't cheat!


Présentation – Stage au Nunavut

Laurentian University 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Canada

Le CNFS - UL invite les étudiant(e)s de ces programmes à participer à une présentation du RÉSÉFAN au sujet des possibilités de stages au Nunavut. Un petit-déjeuner sera servi. RSVP par le vendredi 24 mars 2017 par courriel :

Celebrity Server for Sudbury Youth Orchestra

Boston Pizza 120 Donna Drive, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come and join us on Wednesday March 29 from 5-8 for a fundraiser for the Sudbury Youth Orchestra. Meet the musicians and have a fantastic dinner! Best part is that they will get a portion of proceeds for helping us out!

SGA’s General Meeting

Laurentian University 935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Canada

Senate Chamber 11th floor Join us for an annual review of the Students' General Association. Hear a summary about the goals, efforts, and accomplishments of the SGA for the 2016/2017 Academic Year. Pizza will be provided!

Beer Discovery

Collège Boréal 21 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

LEARNING OBJECTIVES • Beer Tasting and Appreciation • Beer Historical Facts • Beer and Food Pairing • Beer Classification • Beer Production • Beer Ingredients Enjoy a night with the Production Manager at Stack Brewery, Peter Martens, and learn about local and imported beers. Price: $90 | 3 hours includes appetizers and must be 19 years of age


Turmspitze Opening Night

Thorneloe University Manitou Road, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Come see Thorneloe Theatre's opening night of Turmspitze! The story of a young German farm boy thrust into Hitler's Germany in 1939. This historical piece has been created completely by students at Thorneloe University and promises not to disappoint. Tickets are $5 and all proceeds go to the TEMA foundation for PTSD.


Sudbury Gets Hypnotized – The Return of Fernandez

The Asylum Sudbury 19 Regent Street, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

"Sudbury Gets Hypnotized" The Return of Fernandez, America's Premiere Hypno-Comedy Show Ok, we'll admit. We were a bit skeptical at first, but after witnessing Fernandez hypnotize some audience members, our own bartender and our good friend Joel Mackey from the Sudbury Youth Rocks Program, we HAD to bring Fernandez back for another show! This is some seriously funny stuff folks, and the best thing about it is... "YOU and your friends can be the Stars of the show!" Want to see your best friend get up on stage in front of total strangers and act like a flamingo while barking like a cat that just inhaled a helium balloon? Or perhaps you'd like to see your Dad or brother hump their own sneaker, then forget that they even have legs to walk with and use their sneaker to call 911 for help? This is just a mild example of what you could be watching your friends doing on stage, and we can assure you it will have you roaring with laughter! It's the ultimate night out experience that's fun for everyone!! Wednesday March 29th 2017 8PM - $10 admission - 19+/Licensed Event Live at The Asylum - 19 Regent Street - Sudbury, Ontario For more information, check out the event page on our website at: --- ABOUT FERNANDEZ: For years Fernandez has dazzled audiences the world over with his spectacular brand of hypnosis. No other performer has captured the intrigue and electricity of this discipline, and it’s doubtful that anyone ever will. Born in Havana, Cuba, Fernandez learned his skills from his father, himself a recognized professional stage hypnotist. Fernandez’s first stage appearance was as his fathers assistant at the age of 4. It wasn’t until his teens that Fernandez devoted himself to these mysterious realms. With the aid...

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