Latest Past Events

St. John Newman’s idea of the University

University of Sudbury Sudbury

Laurentian University's Newman Club would like to invite you to a panel discussion with the presidents of the University of Sudbury and Thorneloe University entitled The idea of the University: The Vision and Legacy of St. John Henry Newman. This presentation will take place on Monday November 11th at 7 pm in room 110 at the University of Sudbury. Light refreshments will be served, please RSVP: If you have any questions, please contact us: or 613-330-0020 Le club de Newman de l’Université Laurentienne aimerait vous inviter à une table ronde avec les présidents de l’Université de Sudbury et l’Université de Thorneloe intitulé L’idée de l’Université : La Vision et l’Héritage de St-John Henry Newman. Cette présentation aura lieu le lundi 11 novembre prochain à 19h au local 110 de l’Université de Sudbury. Des rafraichissements seront servis, veuillez confirmer votre présence : Si vous avez des questions veuillez nous contacter : ou 613-330-0020

Monday Urban Poling in November: Adanac

Adanac Ski Hill

Our Monday Urban Poling walks will take place on trails along the beautiful Ponderosa Wetlands. We will start the walk from the Adanac Ski Chalet, off Beatrice which you can access either via Atlee or Hawthorn Drive. The weather is starting to get quite nippy, so be sure to dress accordingly: wear warmer layers, hats, gloves, and warm sturdy footwear. Sunglasses and protection from the sun are still a good ideas as is a filled-up water bottle. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

YESTERDAY LIVE — Songs of Paul McCartney by Chuck Labelle / Sudbury

The Grand 23 Elgin Street, Sudbury

After many years of touring and performing, Northern Ontario Artist, singer-songwriter Chuck Labelle presents his new show featuring original interpretations of Paul McCartney songs. Chuck’s favourite songs from his past and his continued fascination of McCartney’s success, makes this show a must see performance. Get ready to sing, laugh and reminisce to an era of music that touched a worldwide audience. After the Beatles, music changed forever! Doors open at 6:30 pm, show starts at 7:30 pm *** Après plusieurs années de tournées et de spectacles aux quatre coins du pays, Chuck Labelle présente son tout nouveau spectacle, Yesterday Live. C’est une nouvelle direction pour Chuck qui décide d’interpréter des chansons d’un de ses artistes préféré, Paul McCartney des Beatles. Un spectacle qui vous invite à revivre une époque de musique extraordinaire, aux arrangements et à la façon de Chuck Labelle. Portes ouvrent à 18 h 30, spectacle à 19 h 30 *** Brought to you by Rock Town Promotions.
