Today is the day! The day when all the creatures, ghosts and goblins come out to play! But what about those who want to celebrate year round? Laughing Horror has got you covered, keeping you up-to-date with all the best in the horror movie genre. There’s nothing better than a case of the jeepers creepers that only comes from watching a great scary movie! If you find yourself looking for a little gore in your life Kyle Lafreniere is an expert on the subject and the mastermind behind Laughing Horror podcast. Gather around guys and ghouls, because we’ve got all the details on the scariest thing to come out of your earbuds since the last time your mom called!
Tell us more about Laughing Horror and where the idea came from
The Laughing Horror Podcast is a safe for work show that is primarily news based giving listeners all the biggest stories coming out of the Horror Genre in the past week. I also cover the upcoming film releases for the week and throw in reviews for whichever films I have seen over the past week relating to the genre. How it came about is that it evolved from a movie and book review blog I used run entitled Horror Shoot. After some issues I was facing with the blog, I was forced to close it down.
Ultimately, the urge to continue talking about films would not dissipate and I soon found myself looking into getting back into it but this time, in a new medium and shortly thereafter Laughing Horror Podcast was born.
What about podcasting caught your interest?
In 2008 I was looking for horror film suggestions and stumbles upon a Podcast called Horror Podcast and instantly became obsessed with it. I started downloading them to my blackberry and would listen to all their shows over and over again. A few years later I was accidentally introduced to Smodcast which is a Podcast director Kevin Smith and his producer, Scott Mosier were making.
That one was the show that opened my eyes to the world of podcasts and I soon became obsessed with finding more and more great shows to listen too.
This biggest thing I was attracted to was the free form the medium offers. So many different people can do so many different things and it’s basically free. Anything you want to talk about, you can go ahead and share your opinion with the world and build a fan base from simply sharing your thoughts which is simply amazing to think about.
After a little while I finally caught the bug and for several years, started looking for a podcasting partner. Sadly, not a single person I knew was willing to start a show with me and so the idea sat on the back burner for a long time.
Finally, back in March, I knew that if I wasn’t going to do it right there and then, I would never do it at all and jumped right into the world.
Since then I’ve done 24 Episodes, been a guest host on the Don’t Go Down That Road Podcast, gotten a show sponsor and made some great friends in the industry most notably the gents from the Beyond The Veil Horror Podcast which is also a hillarious show with very knowledgeable hosts.
What have been some of your favourite interviews on the show so far?
As for interviews, I’ve only had four thus far but my first interview, which was with Andy Palmer, director of The Funhouse Massacres, has to be my favorite. The quality of the audio was not the greatest but the thrill I got from doing it will likely be unmatched.
Since its the Halloween season, what are a few of your favourite scary movies?
Now this is a tough one. I have so many that I would likely take a day to write them out but here are a few: Nightmare On Elm Street 1 and 3, The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist is always great for a scare no matter how many times I’ve seen it and for more recent films, the aforementioned Funhouse Massacre, Contracted and The Mind’s Eye just to name a few.
Where can we find more info about Laughing Horror?
You can find the show on our website with a new show dropping every Tuesday. You can also find it on Itunes, Stitcher by searching LHP (Rate and Review the show!) and via Horror Amino which is an app available for apple and android devices.
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