We’re just a tiny bit excited for Up Here festival starting in just a few short days! The festival will be taking over the downtown core for the fourth year running August 17th-19th with performers hitting the stages at multiple venues, artist installations, brand new murals, and a cement mixer full of community spirit! One of our favourite parts of Up Here is the surprises they always have in store for festival goers. This year they have something very secretive in store of us all, a Mystery Tour to lands unknown on the afternoon of Augsust 19th. The Up Here crew are being very tight-lipped about their impish plan, hinting only to arrive in front of YMCA for 12:30PM to depart. We’re just too impatient to wait a whole week and our minds have been reeling with possibilities, these are a few of the more ‘creative’ theories we came up with.
Make sure you download the Up Here app for IOS or Android to get updates straight to your phone over the weekend. Still haven’t taken the dive on tickets? Get yours here. Find out highlights of shows we’ll be checking out here.
The Borgia Underground
The Up Here crew has located a secret entrance deep in the depths of the Rainbow Centre. There we find Sudbury’s own version of The Upside Down. The Borgia neighbourhood, once thought to have been demolished to make room for the shopping centre has been fully preserved at a 180 degree rotation. Step through the Narnia like doorway into an underground time capsule, pristine in all its ’70’s glory complete with all the shag carpets and chachkis you can handle.
Ramsey Karts
All aboard the William Ramsey! We’re heading out on the water to enjoy the waves, sun and fun which is quite pleasant but a bit of a let down after all the anticipation. Suddenly as the cruise reaches the centre of Lake Ramsey our fearless Up Here organizer Christian Pelletier reaches deep into the water. He flails around looking for something then triumphantly removes his arm to reveal a bath tub chain. With a mighty yank from everyone on board the stopper comes loose and as the water drains we find a real life version of Mario Kart’s Koopa Troopa Beach!
Willy Wonka’s Superstack Elevator
Upon leaving the bus we find ourselves at the base of the infamous Superstack. Everyone cranes their necks back to take in the full 1,247ft of this industrial giant before us. A hot air balloon stands by to hoist us all to the top of the stack. On top we find a magical glass elevator waiting to bring us down into the unknown darkness. With a shudder we begin our decent, gently at first but as the velocity builds the vessel begins to rocket down the shoot at alarming speed. There is only room for fear in this glass case of emotion. With a shudder we arrive at our underground mystery destination. The doors open and a blinding burst of florescent light fills the elevator. We find ourselves in the Nobel prize winning SnoLab! After a very educational and insightful tour we’re all served SnoCones (very on brand) and shipped back to the land above. In the end we all have a lovely afternoon and learn a valuable lesson in trusting Up Here, even in the darkest of times.
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