New Year, New Health Goals

With every New Year comes new goals, maybe it is to try and be more positive, or try to travel more, but the most important one this year should be your health goals. Your body should always be your most important goal and first priority. Below I have listed some things that you may set as goals and some tips on how to achieve them.
More Energy – If your goal this New Year is to have more energy than here is a tip to try. Try adding more raw vegetables into your diet. Part of the reason you may feel so sluggish is because your body is using up your energy to digest your food. By adding more raw vegetables into your diet you will be using the enzymes from the vegetables to help digest your other food, giving you more energy to use on other activities.
Weight Loss –This is always a common goal and can be a hard goal to keep up with. Along with exercising at least 3 times a week there are some changes you can do to your diet to help you out. The things that should be the first to go from your diet are processed foods, grains, sugars and starchy foods. These types of foods cause your blood sugar levels to spike and when that happens your body starts to store the food to your fat cells instead of using it for energy. By eliminating these from your diet, or making sure you have them with fiber or fats, you will slowly release them into your system not spiking your blood sugar as high, leading to less fat storage.
Better Sleep –Sleep issues seem to be pretty common among people these days so trying to fix them would be a great New Years goal. To help you accomplish this goal you need to make sure that your bedroom is sleep ready. Make sure that it is completely dark (purchase black out curtains for street lights), try to keep technology to a minimum, and try to keep the temperature a little cooler. One major thing is your cell phone. If you sleep with your cell phone beside your bed please turn it to airplane mode at night, this will reduce the harmful EMF’s to a minimum and help with more shut eye.
Build Muscle –Not only do muscular people look more attractive, but they also usually live healthier life styles. You have to remember that everyday life things require muscle, lifting your kids, taking out the garbage, walking downstairs to the basement. The more you do activities to build all muscles in your body the lesser chance you have at pulling something or injuring yourself during everyday life. Also muscle is constantly burning calories in your body and will eat away at your fat cells for energy, so the more muscle you have the less fat you should have on your body. Just remember when weighing yourself on a scale you want to monitor your muscle and fat percentages, not so much how many pounds you weight (because muscles weights more than fat).
If these goals were not already on your list of things to improve on in the New Year, I hope they are now. I challenge you to have at least one of them as part of your goals to accomplish in the New Year and I promise you will feel much better in the skin you’re in.
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