Northern Axperts bring axe-citing new sport to Sudbury.

Calling all Lumberjacks and Lumberjills, Sudbury finally has the perfect place for axe-wielding, plaid-adorning fun. Northern Axperts officially opened last Thursday, March 2nd in the back of Peddler’s Pub on Cedar St. downtown. The new game brings an exciting edge to entertainment in Sudbury.
The sport is kind of like darts but more “bad-axe”. Essentially, you grab onto an axe, throw it straight ahead and hopefully end with a successful thud into the boards lined with targets.
When playing the game in competition each hit will allow you points. Games consist of five throws in a game and three games in one match. The points are collected by hitting specific areas of the board. The outer ring counts as one point, inner ring is two points, and the bullseye is five. There are two green dots on the left and right of the outer ring which count for seven points.
These rules are followed during game play for the league that will be playing weekly on Tuesdays at Northern Axperts beginning the first week of April. The league will follow the National Axe Throwing Federation (NATF) rules and regulations, although not yet a part of the NATF. If you are interested in registering to join the league visit
On top of the chance to compete in the sport you can also book groups to give the sport a try. Bookings are available for $30 per person for the month of March and from April onward $35 per person. Up to 12 people can be in one playing area with two targets. The entire room fits 30-40 people for larger corporate, special occasion bookings. Group bookings can be booked between Tuesday-Saturday after noon.
For those who want to take a whack at it but don’t have a large group Open Throw will give you a chance to put your skills to the test. The price is $20 for open throw and there is no maximum time or space. You must share equipment and targets with others using the area in the open throw time as well. Open throw will be available on Tuesdays and Sundays.
Throwing an axe can be a little daunting at first, but the sport is completely safe. You stand at a safe distance and with the proper coaching from the Axperts you will be hitting bullseyes in no time. Speaking from experience, the Our Crater crew felt a little nervous at first. With quite a few misses “Axpert” status seemed impossible, but with a few adjustments and encouragement each one of us hit a bullseye before the day was done!
You can find more information about Northern Axperts on Facebook and on their website:
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