Off-Grid Energy: The Pros And Cons

Imagine no longer having to pay a supplier for the energy your home consumes. Off-grid energy allows you to do just that. By having a standalone renewable energy system in your home, you can say goodbye to energy supplier bills and be fully in control of the power your home requires and uses. What better way to enjoy the money you’ve saved than to explore some local hot spots with friends and family? In recent years, renewable energy has become a viable option for many, due to the reduced costs in equipment and the push to go green. America has recently announced proposals to transport 1000 megawatts of renewable energy from Canada to New England in a bid to cut carbon emissions, further supporting the benefits of going off-grid.
One of the easiest ways for a home to produce their own energy is via solar panels which are attached to the roof of the property. The energy they produce can then be stored in a battery bank and converted into power to run appliances within the home.
Canada generates the 4th highest amount of renewable energy in the world, with 65% of its energy generated from renewable sources. With this in mind, many Canadians are reaping the benefits that off-grid energy has to offer.
One of the biggest benefits of going off-grid is the monetary saving. While, the initial installation cost of renewable energy systems is high, once they’re installed, the money they save you each month adds up to a substantial amount. Renewable energy systems typically last at least 20 years and the financial output can be well worth it during this period.
The positive environmental impact that comes with off-grid energy is also a big plus. Carbon dioxide largely contributes to global warming and the good news is that going off-grid will significantly reduce your carbon footprint.
The biggest concern for any household which is off-grid is that they aren’t able to generate enough power and thus they will be plunged into darkness until enough power can be generated. Therefore, it’s important that any household considering making the move to off-grid energy carefully plan their system and factor in any power requirements they have.
Another worry is whether it’s ever possible to go fully off-grid. It was recently reported that living off the grid isn’t possible for most Canadians. The reason for this is because sources of renewable energy, such as solar panels generate power which, if unused by the property, is fed back to the grid. While there are battery systems you can purchase to store all the energy rather than sending it to the power grid, it’s a costly system which many simply cannot afford.
Canadians across the country are already enjoying the benefits that come with going off-grid and are utilizing renewable energy instead. As with most things, there are a number of factors to consider with this type of power, including some consr, however most find the benefits outweigh these.
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