Sudburian Spotlight: Connor LaRocque

Sudbury is growing every year. The connected digital age has brought more modern and alternative businesses and individuals. With the ability to reach people with new information, Sudbury is creating unique people in every walk of life. I sat down with local author and friend Connor LaRocque to discuss his successes, failures and what he learned authoring two inspiring books. The genre he is passionate about would classify as self help, though it’s covers much more than that.
Connor is a young entrepreneur making the moves to elevate his small business off the ground. He recently released his second book Motivation is Everything, under popular alternative publisher Hay House. A huge accomplishment for any young man or woman to be published by a world class publisher like Hay House. After catching up I spoke with Connor and posted him several questions in which he answered to help people who may be interested in purchasing the book or services and diving into the world of self success mastery and motivation.
What were the hurdles for being an author in Northern Ontario?
Generating exposure and trying to build a platform that would resonate globally. Essentially, not just tailoring my content to one specific audience but having a diverse range of ideas that will formulate the right connections with the reader and overall audience.
What motivated you to motivate others?
Influence is powerful and I don’t think people truly grasp the capacity they have to impact the lives around them. This is why I absolutely love talking to people and watching their eyes light up when I see they’re making connections with some of my ideas. I greatly appreciate how something I can do, will affect not only my life but someone else’s.
What is unique to Sudburians, that they could benefit from reading the book?
My unconventional small city approach to the world. I’m a macro thinker meaning I always think big—realistic thinking to me doesn’t truly unlock the full immensity of the mind. Being from Sudbury allows me to come at the world from a different lens; not the same story of another Californian or New Yorker, rather I’m coming from the North which is somewhat different to begin with. In terms of benefiting from the book it will back you into a corner in your thinking and make you realize that you CAN always give more and BE more.
While we were speaking you mentioned tailoring to millennials in your consulting. What issues does this generation face that’s unique to them?
The millennial generation as a whole is filled with excuses. This isn’t to say that other generations weren’t similar, however, we live in one of the greatest times in human history with access to mass information that can be used to not only better our lives, but truly revolutionize the way we do business and interact. In North America for example we aren’t exposed to war like realities, or mass poverty, or having to fight every day for our lives like some underdeveloped counties around the globe. You can’t get the pair of Nikes you want or your ideal job? Well, what are you going to do about it because all your excuses are doing is wasting more time that you could be “strategizing.”
Why is charity work so important to you?
There is no better feeling in the world then when you help someone in need or give back. It puts things into perspective and as we know perspective is everything. You may be having a bad day but someone always has it much worse. You as an individual have an obligation to help those around you because wouldn’t you want the same if you were suffering or struggling?
How has authoring these books changed your perspective and your daily life?
It has allowed me to realize that impossible is nothing more than an adjective in the dictionary. Study some of the most successful icons and legends and what you will find is that they are no different than you in that they have a brain, body, bleed, and breathe. My job is to ask the right questions, to provoke the thoughts that are going to allow you to completely revamp your life. Authoring two books at a young age has made me realize that if you strategize correctly you can and will meet the right connection that will change your life and take you to the next level.
Who’s this book for?
This book is for people who are looking for more. In my belief this book could benefit anyone. I don’t just say that because it’s my work but for the fact that it’s deep and conceptual. I’m extremely certain that even some of the highest profiled academics would find it compelling and thought provoking. As an entrepreneur I don’t just limit myself to one market especially being that this is the type of product anyone could divulge into.
Who are your inspirations?
I absolutely love the outspoken, Gary Vaynerchuck because he’s so real. His mentality is all about putting everything on the line and always fighting back—a true legend. Tony Robbins is also another prominent figure in my life. His psychology of being able to better understand people is just so powerful. In my opinion, he is by far the most effective in taking people to the next level.
What sets you apart from the likes of Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill and other famous success and thought leaders?
My approach steers away from promoting the same generic and unauthentic content as most of these “motivators.” Everyone teaches what Robbins and Hill teach just in a different context, whereas, I try to come in from a more original lens. I live by the mentality that “the distinguishing factor sells” so if you’re trying to break into this industry promoting the same content you aren’t going to get any further than anyone else. People want originality because without it, it’s like telling the same joke over and over.
What services do you offer as a consultant?
With businesses I focus on how companies can sell and communicate with a millennial audience and millennials in general, which most people don’t teach. As a consultant I teach what I’ve termed “Mindset Psychology” which uses a number of different variables (incentives) to program individuals. Essentially, it’s a cross between Nero-linguistic programming and Cognitive behaviour therapy on steroids. I take an individual approach being that everyone is different—I’ll break down the persons thinking pattern and bring everything back to the fundamentals of life. At the end of the day people just want to have something to look forward to—we want to wake up the morning energized and happy so this is where I start.
Where are your books available?
Globally online through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. In Sudbury I’m under contract with Chapters so you can get my second book there.
What is in your future, events and content creation?
I’m going to be one of the world’s leading thought leaders and philanthropists who hosts high energy events and teaches people how to generate massive impact. I’m going to make some of my psychological theories become globally renowned. In the end one of my biggest goals is to write a thrilling Screenplay.
Top 3 tips to anyone reading this article to get started toward the life they want?
Be different—play off of the fact your uniqueness is your asset.
Strategize—figure out what you want and start communicating it. Start reaching out, writing emails, and developing content geared towards your aspirations.
Be selective when listening to people. Don’t buy into the hype train everyone is going to sell you that your dreams aren’t possible. Listen and be humble, but always watch out especially if you truly know you want it who is to tell you otherwise. Is that person whose deterring you away doing what they want to?
In a short summary, what are your suggestions and guidance advice for me? So others can have an idea of how you may approach and advise someone, if they were looking for an outside perspective and path to the next level.
First things first, I need to know what you want! I’d start by asking what you are looking to achieve, acquire, or get from this word. What do you want (I start off broad to not limit the mind). Once we know what you want in general then we can look at the variables and options—what do you need to do to get it, what connections, what doors do you have to kick down, how much capital do you need etc. Once we see the obstacles, what can we start doing right now? The hardest part most people find is monetization—how can I make money doing what I love. The dichotomy with this is that most people are doing too much of the same, therefore, when entering the market struggle. My recommendation is to keep working your job but promote content geared towards what you’re looking to get into. GIVE, GIVE, GIVE, then bang reach out and build a massive social media network where you engage constantly. In time people will start to look for your content—not only strive to be the best at what you do but BE DIFFERENT, that’s how you get noticed.
Check Connor LaRocque out on Facebook and purchase his book at the local Chapters.
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