Sudbury Music Spotlight: Justin James

You may have seen musician Justin James performing around town this year, but did you know that he has also played in Nashville, Tennessee, and has had original music included in the soundtracks of films shot in Sudbury? We asked Justin about how he started singing, his experiences in Nashville, and where we can catch him performing this summer!
Let’s start from the beginning: when did you first begin singing, playing guitar and piano, and writing music?
I began singing and playing guitar when I was 22 years old and going to Laurentian University. I moved in with a friend of mine named Kyle Gagnon who now goes by the name of Kyle Robert and actually runs a studio here in town with his cousin Kevin Houle called Harmonix Productions. He was always a guitar player and we started fooling around some nights after having a few beers and that’s when it all started. Then we met another local musician named Shawn Marcoux who now goes by the name of Shawn Young and we all started collaborating together. It was not long after that I began to begin writing my own songs, and I haven’t looked back since!
Where do you draw inspiration from when writing original music? Do you have a favourite song that you have written?
This is a question I get asked a lot and it’s probably the hardest question to answer because I really cant even explain it most of the time. I know that some people just sit down every day and write song after song, however I can’t do that. I need something to come to me in order to start writing. I don’t like the idea of just writing a song to get it done. Many of the songs I have written come so randomly; it could be just a title of a song, a melody, maybe a chorus line and then I will build around that.
I do have a favorite song that I wrote and it is actually the most recent song I have written. It is kind of dark in comparison to anything I have ever written before but I think it is the most real song I have ever written and I drew the inspiration from my own personal experiences I had when I was living in Nashville, Tennessee. The song is called “Demons in Me” and I will be releasing it as my first official single to iTunes very shortly.
Here’s a cheesy question for you: if you could perform with any singer, who would it be?
Wow tough question to answer! There are so many amazing artists that I would be honored to work with. I think right now I would have to go with two. First off would be Willie Nelson. I would love to have to opportunity to just sit down and jam with him and listen to all the crazy stories he must have. Once I began writing my own songs I became a huge fan of his music and think he is absolutely one of the best. Another artist I would like to work with would be Shawn Mendes. I am very supportive of Canadian artists and when I purchased his album I was blown away with how well composed every track on that record was. truly a great debut album and a very talented young artist.”
Do you have a favourite experience or memory from one of your performances?
Absolutely without a doubt my favorite experience was performing at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee. Just to be on that stage where so many famous artists got their start was incredible. It is a very different experience than playing music in a bar. It is a very intimate venue that doesn’t seat a lot of people. Everyone plays original music and is told to be quiet and respectful during people’s performances. It was truly an experience I will never forget.
We understand that you have also not only had your music be a part of a feature length movie, but you have also acted in films that were shot in Sudbury! Can you tell us about these experiences?
Yes! When I came home from the United States in December of last year I was contacted by a local casting director named Micheline Blais. They have really been in my corner over the last year and has helped me get my music out there to the right people who will license it for movies! She is also the one who got me both roles of playing the band in both of the movies that used my original music. As well as a speaking role in a Hallmark movie that was filmed in North Bay. It has become a part time job for me, having also done some work in a few TV series that were shot here such as “Cardinal” and “Letterkenny.”
Where can we catch you performing this summer?
Sudbury has been very good to me over the last few years and you can catch me playing regularly around town all summer. I will be playing patio music at Peddler’s Pub every Wednesday (weather permitting) as well as playing at various venues around town such as The Red Fang Tavern, Overtime, Taphouse, Fionn MacCools, Speakeasy, The Fromagerie, The Idylewylde Golf Club, and Donovan’s Bourbon and Beer Bar to name a few.
Where do you want your music to take you over the next year?
I think the next step for me would be to get something released to radio. I plan on doing some writing and recording in the next few months and hopefully I can get my music into the right hands and get something released to Canadian Country Radio. Also, I had a very busy summer here in Sudbury but I do plan to return to Nashville, Tennessee, again in the fall or winter this year and do some more writing and performing out there. I learned a lot the last time I went, and music is something that you are never finished learning, so I am anxious to go back and keep this crazy dream alive. And, who knows, if all the stars line up maybe I can even make a career out of it!”
Where can we listen to more of your music and stay in touch on social media?
You can find me on Youtube as well as follow me on Instagram at @just_justin_james.
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