Tips for Avoiding Holiday Stress

T’is the season to be jolly!
Planning and spending and commitments OH MY! The holidays are usually jammed pack full of things for you to be doing, and instead of bringing on good tidings and cheer, it has the potential to leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.
It’s time for us to take back the holiday season and start enjoying it again! That’s why we’ve put together seven solid tips to help you de stress and avoid all of that holiday drama.
Create a budget…and stick to it!
You know what they say, more money, more problems. Sit down and determine what you can afford to spend this holiday season without breaking the bank; write it down, highlight it, and post it where you can see it on the daily. Let it be a reminder that you don’t need to be blow every cent you have in order to have an awesome time during the holiday.
Plan ahead
The most crucial way to avoid all of the stress that notoriously follows the holiday season is to plan ahead; procrastination is your enemy! Dust off your calendar and dig out that day planner because planning ahead and keeping yourself organized is the number one way to avoid any holiday mess that you’re likely to encounter! Keep track of any appointments, work related and personal, schedule days for Christmas shopping, wrapping presents, and even a day to sit back, relax, and do something fun!
Don’t ditch your healthy habits
We know it’s hard to resist temptation, especially when it’s everywhere you look; holiday cakes, cookies, and puddings fill the tables around you, and you can swear they’re even calling your name! It’s okay to indulge a little bit (it is the holidays, after all) but don’t let go completely of those healthy habits. Too much junk is bound to make your mind feel cluttered and your body feel sluggish.
Get creative with your gift ideas
Want to master the art of gift giving? It’s simple really-give from the heart! Cheesy, we know, but nevertheless truthful. Your loved ones will appreciate gifts that you’ve put some real thought into. Shopping local is perhaps one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to accomplish a successful shopping trip. Not only will you discover some unique treasures that will be sure to make your family smile, but it also benefits our lovely community!
Hit up those sales
While it’s tempting to rush out and get all of that holiday shopping out of the way, its best to wait until some pretty solid sales are happening around town before you blow all your hard earned cash on some pretty pricey gifts. Two words friends: Black Friday. Yes, the day that sparks both fear and excitement into the hearts of shoppers everywhere. While the lines are long and the shoppers are ruthless, the money you’ll save by braving the day will be well worth it, as Black Friday 2016 has promised to be good to us this year! While this day isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, there’s one thing you can always count on during the holidays: sales galore!
Learn to say no
Even if you’ve got vacation time this holiday season, you’re bound to be busy either way: Holliday parties, staff parties, family gatherings, it never seems end! It’s easy to get caught up in all the festivities and accept every invitation that comes your way, but trust me my friend, that’s how you end up overwhelmed, hiding in your bed, cradling a bottle of wine and announcing your desire to be a hermit forever. Pick and choose the events that you feel you simply cannot miss, and the rest will have to wait; your mental wellness is more important than Aunt Debra’s ugly Christmas sweater party.
Let go of the “perfect holiday”
Face it, we all strive to attain the perfect holiday. Instead of driving yourself crazy this holiday season trying to make everything picture perfect, can we give you a little advice? Let it go! Life never wants to go according to our plans, and hey, that’s okay, because it allows unexpected twists and turns which make for one hell of a ride. Do yourself a favour and don’t waste your time and energy sculpting a picturesque holiday. Life is messy, and we’re okay with that.
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Good ideas well expressed. Well done Mackenzie!