Try Something New in 2016 With Open Studio

Try Something New in 2016 With Open Studio

Maybe you’ve been thinking about expanding your creative horizons this year, why not check out one of Sudbury’s newest galleries, Open Studio located right in the downtown core. Run by Cambrian College, Open Studio offers a unique experience for students to display their work publicly but also draws programming from across Northern Ontario. We got in touch with Leesa Bringas, a technician at Open Studio for more information on the gallery.

Tell us more about Open Studio:

Cambrian College’s Open Studio is a multi-disciplinary creative space dedicated to presenting innovative exhibitions and events, many of which focus on social issues and progressive ideas. The studio raises awareness of the College, as well as the creative communities of the North, and positions Cambrian as a thought leader in the region.

Photo: Leesa Bringas

Photo: Leesa Bringas

The large gallery space provides an excellent opportunity for students to mount exhibitions and to work with professional artists in the community, and offers them real-world experience. Artists, cultural workers and members of the community may also present programming throughout the year, promoting the Studio’s commitment to strengthening its engagement with the community.

What exhibits has Open Studio hosted in the past, what is to come in 2016?

In the past we held an event called Field Notes in which graduating students from Animation, Art Fundamentals and Graphic Design programs were given the chance to display their works. This was our launch event and we found it to be a huge success and a valuable experience for our students.

About Face has been an on-going portrait project that challenges perceptions of the disadvantaged, homeless and poor of our community. “About Face” was a partnership and raised around $2,000 (combined 2014 & 2015) to the Samaritan Centre Outreach Services. On three cold nights in November, a group of students, faculty & alumni of the Graphic Design Program at Cambrian College had the privilege of gathering in a warm meeting room at the Samaritan Centre to photograph and record stories of hope and heartbreak as told by many of the Centre’s clients. The experience exposed our own misconceptions and ignorance of the challenges faced by these remarkable people, and of the incredible strength and dignity they possess.

As for what’s to come in 2016, we’re keeping that a secret for now.

Where can we find more information about Open Studio?

You can find us on Facebook by searching Open Studio or check our website at For questions or if you’re interested in mounting your own exhibit, email



Jessica Lovelace is a Public Relations and Communications grad, musical theatre enthusiast, lover of live music and part-time unicorn tamer. Some have said that the Big Dripper from Sub City is a regional delicacy and the perfect end to a Sudbury Saturday Night – Jessica is definitely one of those people. No, the hair is not a perm.

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